Getting Started

Why reinvent the wheel each year? If everyone has to figure this out, let's put our collective heads together and share what we know so no one is left in the dark. 

Take a look around. 
Take advantage of this resource of facts and opinions of other parents and students. 

Great! So now what? COMMENT if you have something to share, good or bad. (Please be brief and concise.) Just scroll down the page of a school (select from THE BUCKET on the left of every page) and type in the "Post a Comment" box.

Keep in mind—there are more schools out there! If you hear of a good school that isn't here (let's focus on the desirable schools), tell us about it. Just add a comment to the post "Suggest a School" (top of left column). We'll be notified and will create a page for that school, to be featured in our index.

The handy summary of all school tour dates is consolidated on THE LIST, so we can find crucial info on a single page. I volunteer to create and maintain the site, but you all need to provide the relevant content to make this a more valuable resource.
(THE LIST will be updated in September 2012, when more tour dates are expected to become available.)

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    I have a 4th grade boy who is very gifted in music. He has been playing wind instruments and writing his own music since he was 2. We live in Topanga and I am looking for a good place for him to be challenged within a middle school environment after next year. He is in his 4th year of flute at school, started sax and piccolo this year and is in his 2nd year attending the Children's Honors Orchestra at UCLA. He also has 2 different music teachers outside of school.

    His other passions are Theater and Science.

    Does anyone have any suggestions for a child like this? Music seems to be low on the gifted list and it is hard to find middle schools who emphasize this.
