Palms Middle School

10860 Woodbine Street, Los Angeles, CA
Tel: (310) 253-7600
Fax: (310) 842-9491
Tour & Admissions Coordinator: Ms. Arlene Weissmann


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2012-2013 Tour Dates 
All tours start @ 8:30AM in the Auditorium and usually last 2 hours. 
There is no sign up. Prospective parents can just show up on any of those dates. Questions about tours may be directed to Friends of Palms.)

October 15, Monday, 2012    8:30AM
October 26, Friday, 2012      8:30AM
November 5, Monday, 2012  8:30AM
March 15, Friday, 2013          8:30AM

2011-2012 School Data
Total Enrollment: 1,717        (546-609 per grade; 483 in Magnet)
Student-Teacher Ratio: 25:1
# of Teachers: 69
Average Class Sizes: 29.5   (English 26, Math 29, Science 31, Soc. Sci. 32)

SAS Students: 480
API: 857 for 2011; 2012 not yet avail.    (847, 840, 822 in 2010, 2009, and 2008, respectively) 
API Rank: 8                (1-10 with higher being better; 10=highest 10% of all schools in a state)
Diversity rank: 10/10    (10=very diverse)
2012 CST (California Standards Tests, performing at Proficient or Advanced levels): 
  • English - 76%
  • Math - 67%
  • Science - 75%
  • History - 70%

Palms Gifted Magnet
Total Enrollment: approx. 480        (154-168 per grade in 2011)

Magnet Capacity (2011-2012): 486
Magnet Openings (2011-2012): 185
Magnet Applications Received (2011-2012): 168

2011 CST (California Standards Tests, performing at Proficient or Advanced levels): 

  • Math - 80.1%
  • English - 91.6%

Updated 10/02/12


  1. Palms Middle School has a magnet program as well as High Honors. Students in Honors have the same classes and teachers as magnet. Both my boys graduated from Palms Middle School and liked it there. So far it's on the top of my list for my youngest.

  2. I just talked with Canfield alum parents whose son is in the gifted magnet program. The magnet and honors programs do share some teachers, BUT the homework is not the same. The magnet homework has more depth and is more challenging overall.

  3. We were quite pragmatic as parents when we picked Palms Middle School. We toured all the schools, (They were all great)but Palms was our home school and they had a gifted Magnet. Their API scores were close if not better then the other schools we looked at and it was close to where we live. Also, a lot of kids from my son's class were going there and we felt that this would be a smooth transition. We put our Magnet points at Palms. We didn't put them at LACES. (LACES is a lottery and LACES goes to 12th grade)Some people see that as a plus, for us, it wasn't, I wanted my son to have the experience of being an upper classman more then once. For us, Paul Revere was too far with basically the same test scores and the same type of education. As you probably heard, Revere's campus is beautiful, but we knew we couldn't judge a school by it's campus, no offense, but I'm sure that there are better looking campuses then our elementary school, which was Canfield, but we wouldn't trade our experience at Canfield for anything. New West Charter (another great school) was way toosmall for us, we wanted the big middle school experience for our son. (New West is also a lottery) We weren't afraid of Hamiliton High, which would be our high school. (especially the performing arts and the Humanities). I have to say that we couldn't be happier at Palms. The teachers that our son has, are incredible. All schools have teachers that parents like and don't like, that's just normal. I personally feel that some parents make too big of a deal when something is not perfect and nobody or nothing is perfect. Some parents may tell you that they don't like the workload, or they may tell you that there is not enough workload, but I always consider the source. You can't make all people happy, and some people are a little more negative then others. But for us,(so far) we have been impressed with the amount of work and homework and the critical thinking aspect of the education. Nothing has fallen short so far. I do think that Palms has a little bit of a stigma attached to it and I don't know why. Parents seem a little more pensive about the school. The bad thing about Palms, was the getting use to the homework load, especially the first few weeks, but it gets manageble. My advice to all parents who has a child entering middle school is: Know your kid. All the schools are basically the same. You are not going to get a lesser education or better education, no matter which school you choose. Don't overthink,don't be afraid and be realistic. Oh, and one last thing: It is not Canfield, it's tougher. All kids start to enter a social awareness. They interact as young adults, they are not our seven year olds anymore, accept that, Don't over protect them, let them fall and get up, let them experience the outside world. Let them see more things, they will hear more curse words. They may see some inappropiate behavior, but it's a great time for discussion. Prepare them for those kinds of things, because no matter what school you choose, or what anybody will tell you, they'll be incidents like this at all the schools. Remember that you are starting to deal with tween and teen behavior. Palms has been a great and exciting adventure! (So far). Sorry for any spelling or typing errors. I live off of spell check when writing. Thanks.

    1. This is one of the best comments I've heard about the Palms experience, and, by extension, middle and high school. Nice one!

  4. I agree whole-heartedly with the information from "anonymous" above. I have had a very positive experience at Palms thus far.

    In addition to the points mentioned, I am impressed with the communication by the school. The weekly emails from the "Friends of Palms" are very helpful. (They provide us with the upcoming weekly events.)

    I think that one aspect of Palms that some people may find intimidating is the diversity of the school. I happen to like the mixed student body. I am on the campus every afternoon for pick up - I see many, many children leaving school. I have NEVER witnessed anything that made me uncomfortable or fear for my son's safety. Quite the contrary - I see all of these children behaving like - what they are - children... so many different ethnicities, but they are all so much alike.

    Consider me another vote FOR Palms Middle School as a great place to send your child.

  5. Field trip today for the kids in Mr. Smith and Ms.Mullens class. LACMA.

  6. On Thursday, December 2 at 7:00 p.m. a High school options evening at Palms. Representatives from High Schools with Magnet, SAS and Academy programs with attend. The evening is for all Palms students 6th-8th and their parents.

  7. I am pleased with all of the comments above, although they were all written three years ago. I am in the same position as the first Anonymous comment as far as being close and as far as a general feeling about middle school and school in general. My 5th grade son is at Canfield and I do think that none of his friends are going to go because of the updates at Emerson, but also because there is a stigma attached to Palms. I am disappointed that none of my son's friends' parents are even considering Palms as an option, but he will be fine and makes friends easily. The thing that really bothers me is that the attitude towards Palms trickles down to the kids and I have already heard my son's friends refer to Palms as being "sketchy," or "dangerous," comments which I fear make my son feel uneasy about the school he will most likely attend next year. How do I get the word out to parents to not speak disparagingly about any school around their children? Especially when they haven't even visited the school and seen it first-hand....
